Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A new year of projects...

Well I actually finished this at the quilt retreat but it was a gift for Dawn and Crystal they both had girls. I didn't want to show the picture until they got it so here it is. It was fun and crazy all at the same time I think when I make one again that I will do things a little different and it will go smother but I really do like making bags it was really fun to see how they turn out and a little addictive!!!
Here is my Christmas tree skirt that I made it different on both side I just haven't finished the binding all the way. Its fun because it matches our stockings I made last year and the table runner. I was excited that this year's moda Christmas line was the same color as last!!! I got the idea from crazy mom quilts blog but I pretty much made up the pattern!!!

This year I am determined to use my stash since its quite large, so I am trying to make things with what I have. I have a couple projects already started, this one is for Alex its called a stack & wack quilt and is quite interesting how you cut it. At quilt guild they showed us how to make it. But I need alittle help so thats on the back burner for now.

This Quilt I am so excited about I saw it on Crazy mom quilts HERE
there is a link for the pattern and this is completely from scraps. Shes got alot more done then I do but I'm just getting started and this is one of those on going projects so I'm not in any hurry.

I also have started another project I'm working on but I dont have a pic yet but I'll post it later!!Anyways I hope everyone has a great new year of creativity and inspiration.
Happy New Year