Friday, May 8, 2009

Not really quilting... but

I finished a quilt, but wanted to wait until it's all quilted before posting it. In the mean time I've been enjoying smaller projects. These two are so simple. I've been enjoying whipping up these aprons for little gifts. Here are the 3 I finished this morning. It's a free tutorial that my mom found online. Here it is:

I've also been making these little "hooter hiders." They're the best nursing covers, and I love picking out the fabric. I'm trying to sell them... kind of... my husband keeps getting mad at me for giving them away. Happy sewing everyone!


Natalie said...

Those are so cute I love little projects its instant gratification ....=)
I love the hotier hiders, today I saw the cutest idea that would be so easy to make. It was a little strap like on the hiders but it had little clips so you could hook it on to any blanket!!

Barb said...

What an awesom idea....have you thought about an artfire store? Not much money a month...